Wednesday, October 19, 2005

prioritization is a bitch...

it's been a while.... since i could....

hmmm... u know... random thoughts don't come all the time...
so obviously... you guys shouldn't be expecting very frequent posts on this blog.. :|

but whenever they come... especially the depressing ones...
they just f**k you up!!!!

ever wondered how we spend our lives prioritizing stuff we want to do... and end up doing what we really don't want to... or atleast shouldn't be doing!!

"every child is an artist....
....the problem is how to remain an artist when he grows up"
- Pablo Picasso

and you know what deviates us... prioritization...

you know you're a good painter... but...
"who makes a living being a painter???"
"are you sure you'll be better than the others??"
"set your priorities straight... get a real job..."

M.F.Hussain used to paint billboards... but he liked it...

think about it...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

murphology.... so true!!!

i had this book at the back of my head for quite some time now... never consciously looked out for it though...

so a couple of days back i was just wandering around the infy campus with a friend and we wandered into the book store... and i spotted this book there and bought it...


a must read i must say... seemed to me that i was reading my biography.. :| but i guess everybody would feel the same way...


it's the weirdest 'self-improvement' book i've ever read... not that i have read a lot of self-improvement books... :) actually... just one... '7 habits of highly effective people'... and am reading this one ofcourse... :)

by the end of it... you'll be a more patient person... :D

some 'so-true' laws i came across;

- finagle's 4th law: once a job is fouled up, anything done to improve it only makes it worse.

- williams and holland's law: if enough data is collected, anything may be proven using statistical methods.

- le chatelier's principle: complex systems tend to oppose their own proper function.

i guess techie guys would appreciate these even more... :)

Monday, October 03, 2005

sometimes i feel like screaming...

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Saturday, October 01, 2005

first thought... my muse for the day... :D:D

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i'm quite new to blogging. have just created TalliScape last week. i was collecting reviews on my blog from some close friends, and everybody thought it was quite cool, but one of them said, "it lacks substance...". well... it was not supposed to have any substance!!! it's more like a journal...

but then i thought, maybe i should have a blog where i can pen down my thoughts. i don't maintain a diary... find it quite boring... :| but always wanted to keep a record of my 'randomosity'... :) so here goes!!!